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Reclaiming the Power of Peanut Butter - Debunking the myths of peanut butter

Reclaiming the Power of Peanut Butter - Debunking the myths of peanut butter

Embraced for its timeless appeal and rich nutrition, peanut butter has faced unwarranted criticism and myths over the years. We are on a mission to debunk these misconceptions and highlight the true benefits of this healthy snack. Let's restore peanut butter to its deserved acclaim and savor its lip-smacking goodness guilt-free.                                                                                                                          

Myth #1- Peanut butter is unhealthy due to its high-fat content

Reality: While peanut butter indeed contains fats, it is crucial to understand that not all fats are created equal. Peanut butter is primarily composed of monounsaturated fats(MUFA) and Polyunsaturated fats(PUFA). MUFA help supple blood vessels, keep the heart healthy with their anti-inflammatory properties and thus help in maintaining low cholesterol levels. These fats also provide a sense of satiety, promoting portion control and reducing the overall likelihood of overeating.

On the other hand, PUFA, such as omega-3 and omega-6 present in peanut butter are crucial for brain function, supporting a healthy immune system, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

It's worth noting that portion control is key when consuming peanut butter. A recommended serving size is typically around two tablespoons, which provides nutritional benefits without excessive calorie intake. Moderation and balance within a well-rounded diet are essential for optimal health.                                                                

Myth #2- Peanut butter is only for gym goers

Reality: Most adults need around 0.75g of protein per kilo of body weight per day (for the average woman, this is 45g, or 55g for men.) And with only a two-tablespoon serving of peanut butter, one can get 8 grams of protein. This amount may seem modest compared to certain animal-based protein sources, but it still contributes significantly to daily protein needs, particularly for individuals following vegetarian or vegan diets. Peanut butter also contains a range of essential amino acids, including tryptophan, methionine, and lysine, which are important for overall health and well-being.

In addition to protein, peanut butter provides other essential nutrients such as dietary fiber, vitamins (such as vitamins B and E), and minerals (such as magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus). These nutrients support overall health, digestion, energy production, and brain function.

Myth #3: Peanut butter leads to weight gain

Reality: The healthy fats found in peanut butter can aid in weight management by providing a sense of satisfaction and helping slow down digestion, which can contribute to more stable blood sugar levels. These fats help optimize hormone production, support cell function, and promote a healthy metabolism. The carbohydrates in peanut butter are primarily in the form of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and supports a healthy gut. Overall, this combination of fats, protein, and fiber in peanut butter can help regulate appetite and promote portion control.

A serving size of 2 spoons per day will provide the nutritional benefits without much calorie intake.

Myth #4: Peanut butter is only for kids 

Reality: While peanut butter is indeed a popular choice among children, it is a versatile food suitable for people of all ages. Adults have specific nutritional needs that can be supported by including peanut butter in their diet. For example, the protein content in peanut butter can help with muscle maintenance and repair, particularly for those engaged in regular exercise or physical activity. It can be especially beneficial for adults who lead active lifestyles or have physically demanding jobs. The energy-dense nature of peanut butter makes it a convenient and quick source of fuel, helping to keep energy levels stable throughout the day.                                                                                                                                   

Myth #5: Peanut butter causes allergies 

Reality: It's important to note that food allergies, including peanut allergies, are specific to individuals and can vary in severity. People with known peanut allergies should strictly avoid peanut butter and all products containing peanuts to prevent allergic reactions. For those without allergies, peanut butter is a safe and nutritious choice. 

Myth #6: Peanut butter cannot be consumed when there is separation of oil


Reality: Commercial varieties contain added sugars, hydrogenated oils and emulsifiers which keep the peanut butter bound together and avoid separation of oil.

Natural peanut butter without additives will always have oil separation but that does not impact its quality or taste. 

Hence here at Kikibix, we've tried to come up with a product that has no preservatives, no trans fat, no added sugars and yes, no emulsifiers too. We've kept peanut butter all-natural, tasty and healthy only for you. Because we believe that everyone deserves the best.

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