What is a Crash Diet ? - your guide to dieting and its affect on the body
What is a Crash Diet ?
Often known as “yo-yo dieting” or “weight cycling” is a cycle of dieting, losing weight, gaining it back, and then dieting again.
It's usually effective in losing weight and seeing the results in the beginning, but this fails to maintain in the long run and the lost inches always eventually return.

Risk of Crash Dieting
- Drops your metabolic rate
- Causes significant muscle breakdown (less muscle can lead to more weight gain)
- Deprives the body of the minerals and vitamins
- Decreased immunity system.
- Ketosis - body breaks down fatty acids in order to make glucose as a result of a low carbohydrate diet resulting in ketosis.
- Ketones can induce nausea, poor breath, and difficulties with the liver and/or kidneys.
Alternative Healthy Weight Loss Methods -
Choose healthy options to loose weight -
- Reduce intake of alcohol
- Cut down on sugar
- Cut down fried food
- Increase intake of protein, fruits, veggies, nuts, and whole grains
- Avoid heavily processed packaged / bakery food

Types Of Crash Diet
Juice Cleanse Diet
This is a Juice based diet & it should not last more than two days
Juicing is a poor approach ,sacrifices all essential nutrients ,it leads to a high sugar intake and increase loss of muscle mass.
Chicken Soup Diet
In the Chicken soup diet we consume chicken soup for seven days as part of this diet. Chicken soup diet is not meant for vegetarians and not nutritionally wholesome.
Cabbage Soup Diet
This diet is deficient in nutrients. Dieters frequently face persistent hunger, weariness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and headaches.
Keto Diet
Keto is not a great long-term diet, as it is not a balanced diet.A diet that is devoid of fruit and vegetables will result in long-term micronutrient deficiencies that can have other consequences.
Other side effects can include bad breath, fatigue, constipation, irregular menstrual cycles, decreased bone density, and sleep issues.

A high metabolism is essential for losing weight, but crash dieting can actually impair your metabolic rate.
Muscle breakdown is considerably greater with intense dieting.
Less muscle slows your metabolic rate, or the number of calories you burn while resting, which may also lead to weight gain later on.
In Crash dieting we can successfully drop weight for a while, but our brain eventually adjusts to require fewer calories and enters the starvation mode, so unless you start eating even less than your diet allows, weight reduction will eventually stop.
As the body and brain is accustomed to calorie deficit , as soon as you start eating the your body's natural reaction will be to store up, in the event that your body goes through starvation again.
So at this next go-round, your body may gain weight by you eating even a lower amount of calories than before.